My mom was a heart patient. She also had a hearing aid, but she didn’t always wear it.
When my mom would lie down on her heart failure monitoring system (called a Cardio MEMS), it would speak to her if she was not positioned well enough an the special pillow to get a good reading – literally saying things such as “please reposition”, or more cryptic things such as “evenly lay on pillow.”
But what she heard was “everybody loves you”, and she would tell us all the time how the machine reminded her of that. What a wonderful perspective. How many times have I misunderstood what someone else was trying to say, or worse, assumed the nastiest intentions when I didn’t really have a clear picture.
When I had a Jeep, I was amazed at how many were on the road. I just got a newer Malibu. I can only recall seeing two before last week.
We buried mom last month, so I’m going to expectantly listen to more people who need to hear that someone loves them and for those who are trying to tell me that they love me. Who knows, maybe that’s what they were trying to say all along?