Many of the people you serve need task-prompting assistance at home....and at work! Why make them utilize two, uniquely different enabling technologies?
What do you do when you can't get your clients (or kids) to remember their daily to-do's? How can you help those with higher needs feel accomplished and responsible?
CreateAbility has been utilizing avatar led communications for several years now and the data that has emerged from our clients has proven that it can be helpful to both the care provider and the person being served, alike. Here are a few of the top reasons avatar-led communications are yielding successful results within the IDD population: It increases data integrity. When...
As you know, Medicaid is the largest funder of disability programs in the United States. So, it’s easy to fear the future when you read the new report by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) that discusses the funding landscape for Medicaid programs during the pandemic. After taking a few deep, cleansing breaths, we want you to know that we...
DSPs and support staff members’ jobs are not just to keep their clients safe and healthy, but to also work with them on establishing goals for themselves and working to achieve them. Often times, people with IDDs also have a dual diagnosis; another behavioral challenge in addition to their intellectual developmental disability. Behavioral challenges can...
One thing is certain in these times: being a soldier on the frontline of a war and being a care provider during a pandemic both manifest forms of stress that bear a strong resemblance to one another. It’s more important than ever to try to remain mindful of your mental and physical well-being during these...
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, CreateAbility has customized and packaged applicable technology solutions that will help care providers check in on clients remotely as well as keep people with intellectual disabilities safe and out of emergency rooms in this critical time. All devices will come ready-to-deploy with pre-loaded remote support tools and staff...
Through these times, our very FIRST thought is of YOU. The degree of selflessness you demonstrate as you care for groups of people with intellectual disabilities, some of which who may be high risk, while trying to maintain balance in your own lives does not go unnoticed. You are continually in our hearts and on...
INDIANAPOLIS, October 15th, 2019 – CreateAbility, Inc., a technology company located in Indianapolis, recently launched its new communication platform, avatalk, that helps people in the circle of care of a resident with an intellectual disability, to quickly and anonymously ask any question of the resident. “The issue”, according to Steve Sutter, President of CreateAbility, “is...
No man is an island, as the familiar saying tells us. When Parkinson’s disease hits one of us, the repercussions affect the wider community around them – particularly the family. As a member of a family where Parkinson’s is present, it can be very difficult to know what to do, say, or relate; not only...