Task Prompting for Residential and Vocational Settings

Many of the people you serve need task-prompting assistance at home....and at work! Why make them utilize two, uniquely different enabling technologies?

Many of the people you serve need task-prompting assistance at home….and at work! Why make them utilize two, uniquely different enabling technologies?

At CreateAbility, we believe that the power of enabling technology is best described in a real-life scenario of our solutions.

Here is the story of Nancy (job coach), Kevin (residential care provider) and Alvin (individual served) and an example of the benefits of having task-prompting that makes a seamless transition from home to work each day.


Kevin is a residential staff at a small provider in the Northwest. Kevin has been baffled as to how to support Alvin and remind him when and how to perform typical ADL in his home. 

His job coach, Nancy, who is picking up the slack for staffing shortages, finds that she has too much to do – and not enough time in a day to do it. On top of feeling like she can’t seem to get everything done, she struggles to create prompts for Alvin to remember the specific sequences needed to perform his job correctly. 

Then they tried MeMinder for both home ADLs, as well as on the job. Both Kevin and Nancy found that the extensive library of pre-created tasks on MeMinder’s cloud were a great starting point and after making a few tweaks, the prompts were pushed to Alvin’s device in real time to support him.  

Alvin immediately feels more confident at work. On days when Alvin feels sharp, he only needs the the talking pictures mode on MeMinder. Other days, Alvin only needs audio sequences. Alvin really likes how he can just slide his phone into his bicep jogging strap and listen to prompts on his earbuds. He simply taps on the display to advance his MeMinder to the next prompt. When he’s learning something new, has tasks that he only does occasionally, or has a more complex task, Alvin likes how some of the prompts can provide full video modeling. 

As Alvin gains independence with the MeMinder App, Kevin was able to fade his previous level of support in the residential setting, and Nancy was able to fade her job coaching responsibilities.  

Both Kevin and Nancy love how that they can consult the dashboard to see the timestamped verification that the right things are being performed by the right time. They can also get picture verification; allowing her to remotely monitor the end result of Alvin’s completed tasks.

Learn more about MeMinder task prompting for people with intellectual disabilities and traumatic brain injuries, click here.

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